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Let's Go to the Movies!
Tuesday, 11 February 2003
Chicago- My Kind of Movie
finally got to see Chicago last night. With all of that wonderful "Hollywood Buzz," I couldn't wait to see it. I was beginning to give up hope that it would play here in Johnson City. But, finally, it opened on Friday (playing in two theaters at the local multiplex!) It was worth the wait. The movie was great fun. The cast, music, dancing, and direction was very well done and, in my opinion, worth every nomination and award the movie received since its release.

Zeta Jones, Zellweger, Gere, Queen Latifah,and the ever-present John C. Reilly (I think he has been in 90% of the movies I have seen in the last year. Busy guy!) were well cast and performed like the superstars they are. I was especially impressed with Gere. He was outstanding as the lawyer crook, Billy Flynn. (He should have got an Oscar nomination for this role.)He was hilarious and looked like he was having fun! One of my favorite scenes occured at Roxy's press conference. I am not sure how to describe the scene, but Roxy's lawyer, Flynn(Gere), became a puppeteer and the press and Roxy became his puppets. I think the song is called, "We Both Reached For the Gun."

Anyway,we'll see how many Oscars this movie wins. As for Zellweger, I was glad to see her get a Oscar nomination. We can only hope that while Renee is at the Oscars, she will try real hard to keep her eyes opened. She drove me nuts at the Golden Globes with her infernal squinting!

Posted by wendysimmons0 at 8:08 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 13 February 2003 9:02 AM EST
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